The Free Directory is another WhiteBark Innovations creation. WhiteBark Innovations are Canadian content specialists from Abbotsford, British Columbia Canada.
The Free Directory is Canada's premier free website directory. Listing web pages from around the world, everyone can submit their website urls to this directory. Featured Links receive top placement and receive more traffic. This directory is ranked in the top 100 directories in the world according to the influential directory list at
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Secure Fax - Sfax is a leading secure electronic faxing solution with digital signature. Sfax uses smart, modern technology to remove the need for the old manual faxing process. It replaces existing costly and troublesome fax servers by eliminating the time consuming process of printing, signing, re-faxing or scanning into an application and allows users to keep a complete audit trail to save them both time and money. Sfax is loved by thousands of customers across banking, financial services, insurance, healthcare sector and logistics sectors as it allows them to handle more activities at a lower cost with a smaller workforce and ensure regulatory compliances are fulfilled.
Add Url - About URL is a place for website owners to promote their websites by providing friendly access to create and edit their About URL pages.